Shelley Ochs

TCM Physician
Dr. Ochs is a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor from the United States. In the year 2000, she graduated from the bilingual program in Traditional Chinese Medicine offered by the American College of TCM in San Francisco. After graduation, in addition to her private practice, Dr. Ochs practiced TCM in non-profit organizations and community clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Standing against Global Exploitation (SAGE) and Oakland Mental Health Services.
She came to Beijing in 2007 and became a student of Dr. Wang Juyi, a renowned master of acupuncture, and was officially designated as an inheritor of his channel palpation medicine in 2013. In the same year, she became the first Westerner to graduate with a Ph.D. from the Institute of the History of Chinese Medicine and Medical Literature of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.
Dr. Ochs’ clinical practice includes acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, abdominal massage, nutrition and qigong therapy. She is experienced in treating gynecological diseases, infertility, postpartum recovery, insomnia, depression, anxiety, compulsive behavior, chronic pain, acute pain, sport injuries, skin diseases, acnes, poor indigestion, slow metabolism, insulin resistance and obesity.
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