Linda Wang

Senior Embryologist, Quality Officer, Ethics Committee Secretary
In 2007, graduated from the State Key Laboratory of Inner Mongolia University with a master’s degree. Then worked in the Department of reproduction Medicine center of Tianjin First Central Hospital. In the same year completed 3 months ART training in the 1st affiliated Hospital of Zheng Zhou university.
In decades of work, assisted the department director in purchasing laboratory equipment, designing laboratory decoration and improving various rules and regulations. Participated in the first immunotherapy habitual abortion work in Tianjin. Proficient in semen analysis, IUI semen processing and various technologies in human assisted reproduction technology, including egg collection, conventional IVF technology, ICSI technology, embryo culture, optimal selection of embryos, assist hatching, embryo transfer and vitrification of gametes and embryos. Familiar with various quality control systems both domestically and internationally, and has published multiple academic articles in domestic and international reproductive conferences.
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