Li Zhang

Fertility & Reproductive Embryologist
Ph.D in Genomics
Educational background
2006.9-2011.7 Bachelor of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University
2011.9-2014.7 Master of Medicine, Tianjin Medical University
2014.9-2017.7 Ph. D, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
From September 2014 to July 2017, she conducted genomics research in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since September 2017, she worked in the Department of Reproductive Medicine Center of Tianjin United Family Hospital. She is proficient in the basic knowledge of andrology and embryology, skilled in egg collection, semen processing, sperm freezing and thawing, insemination, embryo culture, embryo assessment, embryo thawing and other operations. During this period, from October to December 2021, she went to the Assisted Reproductive Center of Chongqing Maternal and Child Health Hospital for further education, and obtained professional training certificate of reproductive technology after passing all examinations.
Academic achievements
She have published over 10 academic papers and participated in the writing of one academic work.
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