Letter to Patients
Dear United Family Community,
It has been an extraordinary spring festival. Some of you are still away, some friends have already returned to work, some returnees because of their travel itineraries are doing their best to enjoy some time at home while awaiting their quarantine period to be over. Many of us here at United Family have never left our posts, or are now back in the saddle.
Although Tianjin United Family hospital was not the appointed fever clinic in Hexi district during the n-CoV outbreak, an independent negative pressure fever clinic area had been established in the emergency section before the outbreak. This area owns a separate entrance, exit and an independent negative pressure air conditioning system to ensure complete isolation from other clinic areas in the hospital. After the outbreak, our hospital medical stuff actively response to the urgent situation, and this area has been used as the initial screening spot for fever patients. According to the requirement of National Health Commission, any suspected n-CoV patient will be referred to the superior appointed hospital for further treatment. We are glad to participate in this battle, and contribute as much as we can to overcome this outbreak.
Most of our outpatient services have been resumed for appointment. If you feel unwell, please feel free to call us at 4008-919191. As soon as we exclude the possibility of suspected n-CoV symptom, you will be able to come to our hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. To follow the government requirement, minimize the risk of cross-infection, only our vaccination clinic is temporarily closed.
During this unusual moment, Tianjin United Family Hospital is staying with you, guarding you and your families’ health.
Tianjin United Family Hospital,
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