Our Department of Pediatrics at Tianjin United Family Hospital (TJU) assures you that your child will receive international standard pediatric outpatient and inpatient care while here in Tianjin. Our pediatricians have many years of experience in caring for children here in China and internationally. Your child is special and deserves the best in pediatric care.
Our experienced pediatricians are trained to prevent and manage healthcare problems in infants, children, teens, and young adults. Children have different healthcare needs than adults. Our international staff understands the physical, emotional, and social development of children. Children may be too young or shy to talk so pediatricians understand the importance of listening carefully to your child and you. Children often present different symptoms than adults and need different medications and treatments. Our pediatricians are specially trained to recognize the importance of these differences, especially in young children and newborns.
We work closely with other professionals in other departments to evaluate and recommend treatment for children with special needs. We are also committed to helping you find pediatric subspecialty care if needed.
Our Clinicians
Outpatient Same-day Services for Sick Children
Our same day pediatric clinic provides care for children with most illnesses and injuries. All children get sick at one time or another. Minor illnesses like colds and coughs are common, especially children in school where they are exposed to more infections from other children. It is also common for children to have many minor injuries, as well as other medical problems that need attention. If you are not sure if your child needs to see a pediatrician, you can always call the clinic. Our office staff can often tell you over the phone and if needed, set up an appointment for you. The pediatrician or nursing staff may give advice over the phone if an office visit is not needed.
Please make same a day sick appointment if your child has:
- Vomiting and diarrhea that lasts for more than a few hours
- Rash, especially if there is also a fever
- Any cough or cold that does not get better in several days or a cold that gets worse and is accompanied by a fever
- Cuts that might need stitches
- Limping or is not able to more arm or leg
- Ear pain with fever, is unable to sleep or eat, is vomiting, has diarrhea or is acting ill
- Drainage from an ear
- Sore throat or problems swallowing
- Sharp or persistent pains in the abdomen or stomach
- A temperature greater than 38 degrees or higher in a baby younger than 2 months of age
- Fever and vomiting at the same time
- Not eaten for more than one day
Outpatient Well-child Preventive Services
Regular visit to the pediatrician are a key part of preventive health care. At each well visit the pediatrician will fully examine your child. This check-up gives your child’s pediatrician a chance to:
- Make sure your child is eating well, growing well, and is healthy
- Track your child’s growth and development
- Update immunizations
- Find physical problems before they become serious
- Help inform you on how to keep your child healthy and safe
- Answer all of your questions
Recommended healthcare visits for well children
- Before your baby is born (especially for first time parents)
- During the first year of life: visits at about 2 weeks of life, and also at 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months of age
- During the second year of life: visits at 15, 18, and 24 months of age
- In early childhood: yearly visits from 2 through 5 years of age
- During the early school years: visits at 6, 8, and 10 years of age
- In adolescence and early adulthood: yearly visits from 11 through 21 years of age
Pediatric Emergencies
Our clinic works closely with our hospital Emergency Room which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Please take your child to the Emergency Room IMMEDIATELY if they have:
- Bleeding that does not stop after applying pressure for 5 minutes
- Suspected poisoning
- Seizures (rhythmic jerking and loss of consciousness)
- Increasing trouble with breathing
- Skin or lips that look blue, purple, or gray
- Neck stiffness or rash with high fever
- Head injury with loss of consciousness, confusion, vomiting, or poor skin color
- Blood in urine
- Bloody diarrhea
- Sudden lack of energy or is not able to move
- Unconsciousness or lack of response
- Acting strangely or becoming more withdrawn and less alert
- Increasing or severe persistent pain
- A cut or burn that is large, deep, or involves the head, chest, or abdomen
- A burn that is large and involves the hands, groin, or face
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