Dental Clinic
All of our patients’ dental needs are provided in a warm, patient-centered environment. Our equipment is of the highest international standard and our dentists are experienced and highly-qualified. Our support staff is compassionate, educated, and trained on a continuous basis. To ensure the safety of our patients and staff, all precautionary measures and sterilization procedures comply with or surpass the highest international quality standards.
The TJU dental team adopts the following practice philosophy:
Service: To provide good quality dental care and services to the community with a realistic acceptance of the limitations of patients’ economic and educational levels.
Preventive Care: To educate patients in the understanding of good preventive dental hygiene care.
Dedication: To strive to provide the best possible dental services we can to each patient. We recommend the treatment that we would want for ourselves and our family.
Clinical Acumen: To provide a high quality of dental care through excellent clinical dentistry.
Humanistic: To adopt a humanistic approach through two-way communication with patients. To gain patient confidence and trust and help them to participate in their own preventive and restorative dental care.
You can visit the Dental Department from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Sunday.
Our Clinicians
Dental Services
The Dental Clinic provides comprehensive, prevention-oriented family dental services:
Preventive care
- Examination
- X-rays
- Cleaning
- Topical fluoride
- Fissure sealant
- Space maintenance
- Composite restoration
- Inlays and onlays
- Crowns and bridges
- Core build up
- Veneers
- Root canal treatment
- Root canal Re-treatment
- Pulpal therapy
- Apexification
- Apecoectomy
- Scaling and root planning
- Gingivectomy
- Osseous bone surgery
Removable prosthetics
- Complete and partial dentures
Dental implants
Oral surgery
- Extraction
- Biopsy and excision of oral tissue
- Incision and drainage
- Frenectomy
Additional services
- Teeth whitening
- Night guard
- Dentistry under conscious IV sedation
- Dentistry under general anesthesia
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