Renhua NA

Deputy Director of the UFH Center for Clinical Research, Dermatologist
Dr. Na Renhua graduated from Beijing Medical University and later received her PhD from University of Copenhagen in Denmark, where she conducted intensive research on photodiagnosis, phototherapy and photoprotection of skin diseases. Dr. Na then continued her practice in the Department of Dermatology, University of Copenhagen Bispebjerg Hospital for a short while before returning to China. As part of her training, Dr. Na also spent time at the Department of Dermatology, Washington University Medical School. During and after her school time, Dr. Na had always been active in learning and absorbing, in and out of China, she visited variety of dermatology departments, clinics and research institutes, attended training courses, professional conferences, etc. on a yearly bases. Dr. Na has published a number of scientific papers in international journals and contributed to several medical textbooks in English and Chinese. She also leaded to translate medical book from English to Chinese.
Dr. Na is the founder of the department of dermatology in Beijing United Family Hospital, and also one of the key founders of the Center of Clinical Research of United Family Health Care. She currently is the chairperson of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of UFH.
She is a general dermatologist, with interest and vast experience in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment and sun- and photo-related skin issues and treatments.
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