Fangchao YAO

Family Medicine Physician
Dr. Yao Fangchao specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Family Medicine diseases, chronic disease health management, preventive adult health care service, and the Family Medicine services, and good at critical common disease, master the techniques of serious, such as deep vein catheterization, thoracentesis, abdominocentesis, endotracheal intubation, intensive ultrasound, etc. She treated COVID-19 patients in 2020.
Dr. Yao graduated from Tianjin Medical University with a master’s degree in medicine in 2013, and served as an attending physician in the ICU of Tianjin First Central Hospital from 2014 to 2020. She has Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (ACLS) and Advanced Life Support for Children (PALS) certification and Mindfulness Cognitive therapy certificate.
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