ENT Physician
Dr. Wang received her medical degree from Tianjin Medical University. She has worked as an attending otolaryngologist in the ENT department of Tianjin Public Security Hospital for 16 years before joining Tianjin United Family Hospital in 2019.
Dr. Wang has nearly 20 years of clinical ENT experience. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis, adenoid hypertrophy, vocal cord mass, allergic rhinitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal mass, otitis media, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children and adults, deafness and tinnitus and other related diseases. And she specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults, adenoid hypertrophy in children, otitis media, nasal and sinus surgery under nasal endoscope, and snoring in adults and children. Dr. Wang has independently completed tens of thousands of large and medium-sized surgeries and has taught quality control work for many years.
Dr. Wang has published several papers in core journals and participated in the completion of a number of projects, among which she has won multiple awards in the Tianjin area for her medical, science and technology achievements. Dr. Wang served as the youth committee member of the laser branch of Tianjin Medical Association and the standing committee member of the youth physicians committee of Tianjin association of anti-aging.
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