Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Associate Chief Physician
Dr. Yang received her medical degree and Masters degree in 1995 and 2006 from Tianjin Medical University. In May2008 and June2014, she did further study in colposcopy and assisted reproductive technology respectively in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital and the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University.
Before joining Tianjin United Family Hospital, Dr. Yang practiced in Tianjin Beichen Hospital and Tianjin Amcare Women’s and Children’s Hospital.With several years of clinical experience, Dr. Yang specializes in diagnosing and treating normal gynecological diseases and applying labor analgesia techniques in a proper manner. She is well versed in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cervical precancerous lesions. She is also adept at colposcopy and Leep Knife procedures, as well as obstetric operations, for example, cesarean sections, obstetric forceps delivery and breech extractions, and also such operations as uterine artery ligation, simultaneous intrauterinepacking, cesarean section, and hysterectomy.Additionally, Dr. Yang is proficient in diagnosing and treating infertility and applying assisted reproductive technology including oocyte retrieval and embryo transplantation.
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